Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where's the love? Oh, here it is.

Remember I bitched about not being interviewed by the local media for my ascent of Kilimanjaro? But that lame-ass guy who raised a $100 for celiac disease got an interview?

Well, I got my due. The local outdoor shop where I dropped a significant amount of cash in preparing for my trip nominated me as their "local hero" and while I won't be featured in any print media, I will be a hero on a daily news website. Woo hoo! (We all know my love of things online, how fitting.)

I only did the interview a few days ago, but already I'm stressed that I'll come across like a narcissistic asshole. How does a reporter accurately reflect my statements in his written materials when all he has is a notebook full of scribbled soundbites?

Yeah, so that's what we're going to blame if I sound totally douchy -- we blame the reporter. Because anyone who knows me (or reads this blog) knows I'm sweet, kind-hearted and infinitely tolerant of those around me. Love you!

PS: Of course I googled the reporter before we met and while he has published nothing of significance, I did come across a website where he was offering his services as a freelance creative writer and in his profile he wrote: "He resides in Connecticut with his cat Miho. Pretty much everything he does is to keep her appeased." Then I googled "Miho" and it's some japanimation chick. And you know what? When I met him I realized his is totally that guy who is a slave to a cat.

PPS: Shit, I just proved exactly why I am the d-bag asshole. Hopefully the reporter didn't pick up on it!

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